<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"5-HTP",<br />"description":"5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) supplements are sourced from wild crafted seeds of the plant Griffonia simplicifolia, native to Central and West Africa. 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, the neurotransmitter important for healthy sleep-wake cycles and moods.",</p>
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<p>5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) supplements are sourced from wild crafted seeds of the plant <em>Griffonia simplicifolia</em> - native to Central and West Africa. 5-HTP is a precursor to <strong>serotonin</strong>, the neurotransmitter important for healthy sleep wake cycles and moods. It may support levels of serotonin in the body.</p>
<p>Many aspects of our health are <strong>influenced by serotonin</strong>, including our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/natural-health-supplements/digestive-supplements/">digestive</a> tract, sleep-wake cycle, appetite, sex drive, mood, and many other areas, which are being researched.</p>
<p>5-HTP may be beneficial to many but does come with precautions. As well as discussing whether 5-HTP is right for you with a health practitioner, we encourage low doses to begin with (50mg). <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/blog/5-htp-what-is-it/">Find out more in our blog</a>.</p>
<h3>5-HTP Benefits</h3>
<p>Clinical studies comparing 5-HTP with prescription drugs have shown identical results using the standard depression scale with human study groups. Other studies have demonstrated the benefits of 5-HTP supplementation in cases of <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/brain-health/mood-support/">anxiety</a>, panic disorder, sleep difficulties, and <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/weight-management/">weight management</a> problems. Some cases of tinnitus may also benefit.</p>
<h3>5-HTP Side Effects and Contraindications</h3>
<p>Temporary digestive upsets can occur if 5-HTP is not taken with food.</p>
<p>Vivid dreams or nightmares can happen while the body adjusts to higher serotonin levels initially.</p>
<p>Contraindicated for children, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers and those with cardiovascular, kidney or liver disease.</p>
<p>If you are taking any prescription medication please consult with your healthcare professional first.</p>
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